Quick summer update in case you were curious what I have been up to away from Tulane. Well, I definitely miss New Orleans, but I'm loving my time here in California. Like I mentioned in my June post, I moved up to Berkeley to take a summer class (which has not been very fun... but it was necessary so I just have to deal, I guess) It's been really fun here hanging out with friends from high school and whatnot.
Actually, a couple of weeks ago, I got to meet up with a friend of mine from Tulane who is working in the Bay Area this summer. She and I actually went to a southern-cooking restaurant in San Francisco. She had the gumbo (pretty tasty... not as good as the real thing), and I had some really good mac and cheese. Mmm. It was reallly nice to see a familiar school face!
Other than that, I've been trying to catch as many baseball games as I can because I absolutely love baseball and the San Francisco Giants (who have been doing remarkably well this season!). The stadium is actually a quick subway ride across the bay, and I love spending afternoons at a game. Here's a picture with me and Lous Seal, the Giants mascot, from last night (sorry the lighting isn't very good!)

Anyways, that's all from me. I can't wait to see a bunch of new faces in the fall! Hope everyone's summer is going well, too!