Despite all the school craziness, though, I found some time this weekend to help out with a great community service project called KaBOOM! If you don't know, KaBOOM! is a national nonprofit whose goal is to make it so that there is an accessible playground in every neighborhood. Basically, it was an awesome way to spend a Saturday morning.
About a dozen of us (pictured above in front of the finished playground) from CACTUS (the umbrella community service organization at Tulane) including my good friend Seth (pictured below) helped out at KIPP Central City, a local charter school, to build them a new playground, fix up their basketball courts, and plant them a new garden.
All in all, there were about a couple hundred volunteers who helped do things like paint, spread mulch (which I did for like three hours), mix cement, put up the playground, etc. It was so cool to see because the lot literally started off with nothing there, and six hours later, we had a full fledged playground!
Below are some more photos from the day...
I also went to see the India Association of Tulane University's Diwali show on Sunday which was really cool and colorful (and they served some really delicious food afterward! I love Indian food!).
That's all from my end. More to come next week!
Also, I definitely want to hear from you. If you have any questions or comments, that's what the "comment" button is for!
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