Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow Day

So, I'm home now from school and have been for the past couple of days. Finals went okay although I didn't do as well as I would have liked to. Life moves on, though.

Now that I'm at home, I get to wake up to this...

(my dog, Milano)

Before I left Tulane for a more domestic setting, it snowed last Thursday! That's right. It snowed in New Orleans! Now I know that admissions talks about how the weather is beautiful all year round (which for the most part it is)... but we were so excited to wake up to snow outside our window!! (I got at least ten text messages/phone calls at eight in the morning that said "SNOW!" It was really exciting.

Anyways, here are a few pictures:

Some captions:
Picture 1- Snow on the UC quad (right outside my window)
Picture 2- Snow on the palm trees. A rare sight.
Picture 3- Me walking through Brown field (which was definitely white)
Picture 4 - The quad melting with a lone snowman still sitting there.

It was exciting. Trust me.

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