Monday, December 8, 2008


Here's the latest:

It's finals period so basically I've been swamped with a lot of work. Want to know what I did all weekend? Here is a photographic representation:

This was the view from my table at Starbucks (the top photograph) which I was basically been glued to since Friday afternoon. In all seriousness, I think I spent more time studying organic chemistry this weekend than anything else combined (my book, white chocolate mocha, and notebook at in the bottom picture). It was a little sad.

On the plus side, though, I took the test this morning, and it wasn't as horrible as I thought it was. The thing about organic, though, is that you never really know how you do until you get the test back. Anyways, I have a public health final tomorrow and then a physics final on Wednesday and then I'm free!

So, here is a short list of things I am looking forward to after 5 pm on Wednesday:
-Not having to look at an orgo/physics/public health textbook for a whole month
-Christmas shopping
-Taking a nap
-Indian buffet at Nirvana with friends Thursday night
-Just hanging out with friends for a few days with nothing to worry about
-Good-bye-for-a-little-while hot chocolate on Friday night
-And, of course, I go home on Saturday.

Even though I'll be sad to leave my friends in New Orleans, I'm really glad to see be able to see my family and friends from high school.

Okay. Enough procrastinating from my end. Wish me luck!

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