Thursday, October 15, 2009


It's been a crazy busy week of midterms and papers to write (which explains my momentary absence) but I'm back now because it's fall break so we have a couple of days off of school which is a nice change.

So last week was homecoming week and homecoming/parents/alumni weekend! It was a great week of Tulane spirit. They had fun activities planned all week that even the rain couldn't drive away. There was the annual powderpuff game, a pep rally and a homecoming concert, featuring Augusta (picture below). Augustana was really great live and it was really great break from all the midterm madness.

I also got to participate in a parents/alumni community service project on Friday as part of homecoming. We worked with Project Greenlight and had some parent and alumni volunteers come help out as well changing lightbulbs in the Hollygrove neighborhood to more energy efficient ones.

Then on Saturday was the homecoming game and a bunch of fun tailgating. Like all of our other football game, we headed over to the Superdome. There were a bunch of different tents set up from the various fraternities and sororities, Tulane's various schools (the Tulane-Newcomb Undergraduate college had really great jambalaya), and various alumni reunions. Below is a picture of Megan, Amanda, and I venturing over on the busses.

Anyways, even though we didn't win the game, it was a really fun week and weekend. We also had a campus preview day that Sunday and I got to meet some prospective students! Good luck with applications, y'all!

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