Hey all! Happy New Years!
Yes, I'm still in California, but I get back to New Orleans on Saturday! That's pretty exciting.
So what have I been doing with myself here at home? Well mostly, I've watched a lot of episodes of CSI (did you know that they have marathons practically every day?) and working a little more at the chocolate shop and hanging out with friends from high school.
For New Years, we went up to my aunt's apartment in San Francisco for dinner which was really fun. Below is a picture of three of my cousins (Vivian, Tina, and Kathleen) and me.

Then after I went to a friend's house and hung out and watched the ball drop in Time Square and toasted the New Year and played Scattagories until like two in the morning (I know, we're cool).
Anyways, I can't wait to get back to Tulane and get started with the new semester. I'm taking a lot of classes (organic chemistry, physics, a sociology class, genetics, and a public health class), am still involved with various community service things (I can't wait to get started on volunteering with the Children's Hospital), and seeing all of my friends. I also need to find a job. Suggestions?
Also, my friend just posted this link on my facebook wall:
http://www.nola.com/news/index.ssf/2009/01/mayor_ray_nagin_launches_2009.htmlYes, that's right. Another thing to look forward to this semester? Mardi Gras! (But more on that when it gets closer!)
So, I think next time you hear from me, I'll be in NOLA! 'Till then!